February '20 Community Gems

Look here every month for great discussions and technical Q&A's from our users and core development team.

  • Elle O'Brien
  • February 19, 2020 • 5 min read
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Discord gems

Welcome to the February roundup of useful, intriguing, and good-to-know discussions going on with DVC users and developers. Let's dive right in with some questions from our Discord channel.

Q: If I have multiple outputs from a DVC pipeline and only want to checkout one, what command would I run?

By default, dvc checkout is written for a Git-like experience, meaning that it will sync your local workspace with all the model files, dependencies, and outputs specified by a project's .dvc files. If you only want to access one artifact from the project, you can do this with dvc checkout <path to file>. This will deliver the specified file to your workspace.

If you're interested in sharing specific artifacts (like data files or model binaries) with other users, you might also consider dvc get and dvc import. These functions are ideal for downloading a single file (or a few files) to the local workspace, instead of the whole project.

Q: I have a complicated use case. We're trying to set up a system where users act as data scientists. They'd select data, which would be cleaned/transformed in the backend, and experiment with model hyperparameters until they're happy with the model result. Then they can "save" the model, including artifacts like the input data used, metrics, and binary model file, placing the experiment under version control. Later they can "load" the model again and select new input data from our database, change parameters, and "update it". There might be hundreds of separate models. Can DVC do this?

Most of this functionality is supported by DVC already. We recommend dvc import as a method for giving users access to data in a repostiory (and also check out our tutorial on data registries). For pre-processing data, DVC pipelines can automate a procedure for transforming and cleaning inputs (i.e., you can use bash scripts to dvc run the pipeline whenever a user selects a dataset). Saving the workspace after experimentation, including model files, metrics, and outputs, is a core function of DVC (see dvc add and dvc push functions). We also have a Python API so users can load artifacts like datasets and model files into their local Python session. When they're done experimenting, they can dvc add and dvc push their progress. Users can later "pull" a saved workspace and all associated files using dvc checkout

As for how to organize hundreds of separate experiments, we're still evolving our strategy and best-practice recommendations. It's conceivable that each experiment could be carried out and saved on a separate branch of a project repository. Our thoughts about structuring version control around architecture search and hyperparameter tuning could fill up a whole blog (and probably will in the not-so-distant future); check out one of our recent conversation threads if you'd like to see where we're currently at. And please let us know how your use case goes—at this stage, we'd love to hear what works for you.

Q: What's the difference between config and config.local files? Is it safe to do git commit without including my config file?

There are indeed two kinds of config files you might come across in your project directory's .dvc folder and .gitignore file. The key difference is that config is intended to be committed to Git, while config.local is not. You'd use config.local to store sensitive information (like personal credentials for SSH or another kind of authenticated storage) or settings specific to your local environment—things you wouldn't want to push to a GitHub repo. DVC only modifies config.local when you explicitly use the --local flag in the dvc config or dvc remote * commands, so outside of these cases you shouldn't have to worry about it.

As for using git commit without the config file, it is safe. But you should check if there are any settings in config.local that you actually want to save to config. This would be rare, since as we mentioned, you'd only have settings in config.local if you expressly called for them with the --local flag.

What you're describing is exactly as it should be. azure:// is an internal URL protocol that tells DVC which API to use to connect to your remote storage, not the exact address of your Blob. You can use the format azure://<container-name>/<optional-path>. For more details, you can refer to our documentation about supported storage types.

Q: I'm using DVC to version my data with Google Drive storage. If I want a developer to be able to download the data, can I give them my gdrive_client_id and gdrive_client_secret, or maybe give them permission to access my Google Drive folder?

For Google Drive, gdrive_client_id and gdrive_client_secret aren't used to access a specific user's Google Drive disk; they're predominantly used by Google's API to track usage and set appropriate rate limits. So the risk in sharing them is not that your personal files will be vulnerable, but that your API usage limits could be negatively affected if others are using it with your credentials. Whether this risk is acceptable is up to you. It's not unusual for teams and organizations to share a set of credentials, so a reasonable level of security may mean ensuring that the config file for your project (which typically contains Google Drive credentials) is only visible to team members.

Please check out our docs about Google Drive, too, for more about how DVC uses the Google Drive API.

Q: I just tried to upgrade DVC via homebrew and got a "SHA256 mismatch" error. What's going on?

What most likely happened is that you first installed DVC via brew install iterative/homebrew-dvc/dvc, which is no longer supported—because DVC is now a core Homebrew formula! Please uninstall and reinstall using brew install dvc for uninterrupted upgrades in the future.

Q: I still can't convince myself to version-control the data rather than meta-data. Can anyone give me a strong argument against version controlling data file paths in config files instead of using DVC?

This question is from a Reddit discussion.

Versioning the meta-data associated with your dataset is certainly a workable strategy. You can use prefixes and suffixes to distinguish models trained on different versions of data, and keep your data files in one .gitignored directory. That may be enough for some projects. In our experience, though, we've found this comes with a host of complications that don't scale well:

  1. You'll have to write custom code to support this configuration, specifying filepaths to your dataset with hardcoded links.
  2. For files that are outputs of your analysis pipeline, you'll need to agree on conventions for suffixes/prefixes for naming to specify which version of the dataset was used.
  3. Depending on the meta-data you use to version data files, you may not detect changes made by users. Even if you can tell a change has occurred, you may not be able to track who did it when.

We designed DVC to optimize data management from the user's perspective: users can change the dataset version without changing their code, so organizations don't have to adhere to explicit filenaming conventions and hardcoded links that are prone to human error. Furthermore, versioning data similar to how Git versions code provides a largely immutable record of every change that has occurred. We think this is important as teams and projects grow in complexity. And from a systems-level perspective, DVC does more than track data: it dedpulicates files behind the scenes, provides simple interfaces for sharing datasets (and models!) with collaborators and users, and connects specific model files with the dataset versions they were trained on.

To summarize, DVC is not the only way to version your data. But we think it's one way to reduce the overhead of managing data infrastructure when your project involves experimentation or collaboration.

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