September'21 Heartbeat

This month you will find:

  • 🛠 New Tutorials and Guides,
  • 🤫 VS Code extension,
  • 📖 Doc Updates!,
  • 🎥 August Meetup Video available,
  • 🚀 and more!
  • Jeny De Figueiredo
  • September 14, 20214 min read
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This month's head-turning News from the Community!

Head Turning Content from the DVC Community!

Tezan Sahu's 4-part blog series

Welcome to September! We'll kick off this month's Community picks with a four-part series by Tezan Sahu on the Fundamentals of MLOps. Tehan introduces readers to the core ideas behind taking the best practices of DevOps and how they are being adapted to machine learning projects that deploy large scale AI powered applications. The series includes:

Fundamentals of MLOps Tezan Sahu's 4 part series on the Fundamentals of MLOps Source link

If you follow the steps through this series, you will learn how to build and deploy an end-to-end ML project - all the steps leading to production!

Miguel Méndez' Tutorial on DVC + MMdetection

This month Miguel Méndez of Gradiant brings us a guide on object detection using the MMdetection framework in conjunction with DVC to design the pipeline, version models and monitor training progress. This follows his first guide covering how to version your datasets with DVC, which we shared in the July Heartbeat.

In this new guide, you'll gain a thorough understanding of the steps, have access to his repo for the project, and find his thoughts on scaling hyperparameter tuning through this open issue about exeperiments that we are trying to resolve. Join the conversation! We'd love your input!

DVC + MMdetection Miguel Méndez' second guide in a series using DVC in an object detecton project Source link

Hrittik Roy's Complete Intro to DVC

It was just a few short months ago when Hrittik Roy joined us at his first DVC Office Hours. Now he's written DVC (Git for Data): A Complete Tutorial on DVC and how it solves the challenges of ML engineers. In this piece he takes you through set up, pipeline and versioning, experiments and sharing through our built in shared caching, so that you and your teammates can reduce resource use when focusing on a subset of datasets as you move through your project.

DVC (Git for Data): A complete Intro Hrittik Roy's Complete Intro on DVC Source link

Andrey Kurenkov's curated list of AI Newsletters

In case you missed it, Andy Kurenkov tweeted that he finally got around to writing about his list of 21 favorite AI Newsletters. You can find the article right here. Be sure to check it out and get reading…

One PhD student’s curated list of 21 newsletters to help you keep up with AI news and research

Andrey Kurenkov's curated list of the best AI newsletters
One PhD student’s curated list of 21 newsletters to help you keep up with AI news and research

DVC News

We know there were a lot of peeps out on holiday over the last month so let me fill you in!

Grab the popcorn!

Yes, that's right, VS Code extension is coming!

Paige Bailey let the cat out of the bag with her tweet about the developent of our VS Code extension for DVC. We're getting closer every day! If you'd like to be a part of the beta testing (how could you not?) join us here.

VS Code Extension for DVC Paige Bailey let's the cat out of the bag Source link

📖 Docs Updates

As promised, we will be adding this section to the Heartbeat each month so that you can stay in the know about the doc updates that will most impact your workflows. You won't want to miss these…

📖 Fast and Secure Data Caching Hub

First up, a new doc on our Fast and Secure Data Caching Hub. Checkout this doc to learn how DVC's built-in data caching lets you implement a simple and efficient storage layer globally - FOR YOUR ENTIRE TEAM. This lets you:

  • ⏱ Speed data transfers from massive object stores currently on the cloud
  • 💰 Pay only for fast access to frequently-used data
  • 🙅🏻‍♂️ Avoid extra downloads and duplicating data
  • ⚡️ Switch data inputs fast (without re-downloading) on a shared server used for machine learning experiments.

Status: Must read. 📖

Fast and Secure Data Cachin Hub Fast and Secure Data Cachin Hub Source link

📖 CI/CD for Machine Learning

Is this your life?

Rage Quit Job Is this your life? Source link

Our latest doc, Continuous Integration and Deployment for Machine Learning, shows you how to move from the above chaos to CI/CD victory through:

  • ✅ Data validation
  • ✅ Model validation
  • 🎟 Provisioning
  • 📈 Metrics

Read the whole doc to learn how DVC and CML will enable you to run entire experiments/research online and remove most of your managment headaches to look more like this. 👇🏼

Traditional ML meets CI/CD Traditional ML meets CI/CD with DVC and CML Source link

📖 Need to Clean up Your Worksapce?

Cleaning Up Experiments has been made bright and shiny and new to do the same with your experiments. Be sure to check it out!

📖 Hugging Face Integration with DVC Live

Hugging Face fans now have an integration with DVCLive! Checkout how to get set up here! Thanks @pacifikus, for the contribution! 🙏🏼

Next Meetup

This Thursday at our September Office Hours Meetup, Milicia McGregor will be presenting her tutorial on Using Experiments For Transfer Learning. Join us on September 16th at 3:00 pm UTC! RSVP at this link below! 👇🏼

DVC Office Hours - Using Experiments For Transfer Learning

Milecia McGregor shows how to use DVC experiment tracking to compare models in a transfer learning project
DVC Office Hours - Using Experiments For Transfer Learning

Learning Opportunities

Our August Meetup video is out, so if you weren't able to make it, you can catch all the details on Antoine Toubhan's tutorial on DVC + Streamlit = ❤️

By clicking play, you agree to YouTube's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Open Positions

We'll be introducing some new team member next month, but we are still hiring. So do checkout our open positions here to find details of all the positions including:

  • Senior Front-End Engineer (TypeScript, Node, React)
  • Senior Software Engineer (ML, Dev Tools, Python)
  • Senior Software Engineer (ML, Data Infra, GoLang)
  • Machine Learning Engineer/Field Data Scientist
  • Developer Advocate (ML)
  • Director/VP of Engineering (ML, DevTools)
  • Director/VP of Product (ML, Data Infra, SaaS)
  • Director/VP of Operations/Chief of Staff

Please pass this info on to anyone you know that may fit the bill. We look forward to new team members! 🎉

Tweet Love ❤️

Last week this Tweet brought us another 300 Twitter followers, catapulting us over 3000! Thanks Community for joining us on this MLOps ride! More to come! 🚀

Do you have any use case questions or need support? Join us in Discord!

Head to the DVC Forum to discuss your ideas and best practices.

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