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    Product updates, news, tutorials, integrations, and deep dives.


    October ’20 Heartbeat
    This month, hear about our international talks, new video docs on our YouTube channel, and the best tutorials from our community.
    • Elle O'Brien
    • Oct 12, 2020 • 3 min read
    September ’20 Heartbeat
    This month, catch us on the Software Engineering Daily Podcast, check out our favorite DVC and CML tutorials and projects, and celebrate 1000 YouTube subscribers!
    • Elle O'Brien
    • Sep 09, 2020 • 3 min read
    August ’20 Heartbeat
    Catch our monthly updates- featuring the CML release, DVC meetup recap, a new video tutorial series, and the best reading about pipelines and DataOps.
    • Elle O'Brien
    • Aug 10, 2020 • 5 min read