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    June '20 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC community. This month, we discuss migrating to DVC 1.0, the new pipeline format, and our Python API.
    • Elle O'Brien
    • Jun 29, 2020 • 4 min read
    June ’20 Heartbeat
    Catch up on new DVC releases, talks, and projects in our community. This month, learn about finishing touches on DVC 1.0, DVC in biomedical research, recommended reading and upcoming MLOps talks.
    • Elle O'Brien
    • Jun 08, 2020 • 5 min read
    April '20 Community Gems
    A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC community. This month, we discuss the DVC cache, pipelines, cloud storage options and concurrency.
    • Elle O'Brien
    • Apr 16, 2020 • 4 min read