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    DVC AI Blog

    Find here DVC AI news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways, deep dive into machine learning workflows from data versioning and processing to model productionization.

    July ’19 DVC❤️Heartbeat
    As we continue to grow DVC together with our fantastic contributors, we enjoy more and more insights, discussions, and articles either created or brought to us by our community.
    • Svetlana Grinchenko
    • Aug 01, 20196 min read
    June ’19 DVC❤️Heartbeat
    First DVC user survey, sharing our PyCon experience, new portion of Discord discussions, and articles either created or brought to us by our community.
    • Svetlana Grinchenko
    • Jun 26, 20195 min read
    May ’19 DVC❤️Heartbeat
    DVC accepted into Google Season of Docs 🎉, Dmitry's talk at the O’Reilly AI Conference, new portion of Discord gems, and articles either created or brought to us by our community.
    • Svetlana Grinchenko
    • May 21, 20197 min read
    DVC project ideas for Google Season of Docs 2019 is applying for Google Season of Docs — a new and unique program sponsored by Google that pairs technical writers with open source projects to collaborate on the open source project documentation.
    • Svetlana Grinchenko
    • Apr 23, 20196 min read
    April ’19 DVC❤️Heartbeat
    DVC creator Dmitry Petrov is giving a talk on PyCon 2019 🎤, new DVC logo design, new Discord discussions, interesting reads that caught our eye, and everything along the way.
    • Svetlana Grinchenko
    • Apr 18, 20198 min read
    March ’19 DVC❤️Heartbeat
    The very first issue of the DVC Heartbeat! News, links, Discord discussions from the community.
    • Svetlana Grinchenko
    • Mar 05, 20193 min read
    Best practices of orchestrating Python and R code in ML projects
    What is the best way to integrate R and Python languages in one data science project? What are the best practices?
    • Marija Ilić
    • Sep 26, 20176 min read
    ML Model Ensembling with Fast Iterations
    Here we'll talk about tools that help tackling common technical challenges of building pipelines for the ensemble learning.
    • George Vyshnya
    • Aug 23, 20178 min read